- LAMBDA The least-square ambiguity decorrelation adjustment
- 在这个自造的黑天昏地里,他觉得苏小姐凉快的手指摸他的前额,又听她用法文低声自语:“pauvre petit(可怜的小东西)”他力不从心,不能跳起来抗议。 From his self-imposed dark world, he felt Miss Su's cool fingers touch his forehead and heard her mutter in French, "Pauvre pentit!"He hadn't the strength to jump up in protest.
- LAMBDA算法 LAMBDA algorithm
- Lambda矩阵 Lambda matrix
- Lambda成像 Lambda reconstruction
- Lambda轻链疾病 Lambda light chain disease
- bacteriophage lambda(λ) λ噬菌体
- 回代解算的LAMBDA方法及其搜索空间 Return-calculating LAMBDA Approach and Its Search Space
- 广义Lambda分布及其在数据选配上的应用 The Generalized Lambda Distribution and its Uses in Fitting Data
- Lambda表达式的基础类型是泛型Func委托之一。 The underlying type of a lambda expression is one of the generic Func delegates.
- 我们再借用以上示例,并用lambda表达式替换匿名方法 Let's take the example above and replace the anonymous method with a lambda expression
- 整周模糊度整数变换前后LAMBDA方法的执行结果比较 Comparison between performance results for LAMBDA method before and after the integer transformation of ambiguity
- 牛免疫球蛋白lambda轻链恒定区序列的克隆与研究 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Bovine Immunoglobulin Lambda Light Chain Constant Region
- 对于初学者而言,lambda表达式简明扼要的原因有很多。 For starters, the brevity of the lambda expression can be attributed to a number of factors.
- 参数列表中的Lambda表达式在某些条件下影响重载决议。 Lambda expressions in an argument list affect overload resolution in certain situations.
- Lambda表达式是一种语言功能,在许多方面类似于匿名方法。 Lambda expressions are a language feature that is similar in many ways to anonymous methods.
- 你还可以在lambda计算和函数类型编程方面做各种新鲜的实验 And you can also do all sorts of esoteric experiments with lambda calculus and functional programming theory
- 附有基线长度约束的单频数据单历元LAMBDA方法整周模糊度确定 Ambiguity Resolution of Single Epoch Single Frequency Data with Baseline Length Constraint Using LAMBDA Algorithm
- 这样能以参数形式传递lambda表达式,而不用显式将其分配给委托。 This makes it possible to pass a lambda expression as a parameter without explicitly assigning it to a delegate.